Monday, July 12, 2010

Set the Family Right to Set the World Right

On a Sunday morning after church, Sam’s Father sat in his arm chair reading the morning paper patiently answering each and every question Sam asked him time and again.

After some time, Sam’s father tore a portion of the morning paper which had a picture of the globe on it and tore it into pieces. He then handed over the pieces of the picture to Sam and said, “Son, please set the picture of the World and show it to me.” He was glad that he had succeeded in keeping his son busy so that he could read the newspaper without any interruptions.

Within a couple of minutes Sam tugged at his Father’s arm and said, “Papa, I have set the picture, you can see it”.

Sam’s Father then looked away from the paper in towards the floor his son was pointing at and saw the pieces of news paper neatly arranged on the floor, but instead of the picture of the world was the picture of a family and said, “Sam, but I had given you the picture of the world to set?”

To this his son replied, “Papa, if you turn the page you will find your world, I saw it when I was setting the picture and so I set the family to set the world for you.”

This was narrated by Fr. Cyril at an Orientation session.

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Introvert, Imaginative, loner, nature lover, sensitive, friendly