Before we try to guess what the flower box is made of, let us acknowledge the ingenuity and creative efforts of Smt. Bharti Gupta, Smt. Sharmila Sen, Mr. Abhinav Gupta, Ms. Radhika Rao, and Ms.Joshika Gupta!
Now it is an easy guess what I am made of. Spot on you are!:
- Thirteen empty 750 ml. Pepsi Cola plastic bottles
- A thermocol sheet used in packaging
- Plastic straws used to drain out excess water from the flower box
- Five empty aluminum cans of Schweppes Ginger Ale
- Deccan Herald paper pulp
- Ceramic powder
- Oil colors (We can use organic or herbal colors)
- Oil paint thinner
- Plaster of Paris (PoP)
- Dirt-sand and pebbles filled in the aluminum cans
- Fevicol
We cut the top portion of the empty plastic bottles to serve as flower pots as well as the sides of the flower box.
Painted the bottles to appear like the glass lemonade glass with bright colored floral patterns. Such lemonade glass tumblers were very commonly used until plasticware replaced glassware from our daily life.
Of course! we can cut the empty plastic bottles, paint beautiful patterns and designs on them and use them as plastic tumblers to drink water and cold drinks from.
The tools we used for making the flower box:
- Aluminum vessel
- mixing bowl
- Clipper
- Hack saw
- Scissors
- Measuring tape
- Marker pens
- Spatula, ladle, wooden spoon
- A palette for mixing and blending colors
- Paintbrushes
- Scrub and duster cloth
We may ingenuously innovate ways of reusing single-use plastic bottles like the empty Pepsi Cola bottles. styrofoam sheets (thermocol) and try to solve the hazard of plastic waste, but our true ingenuity is in devising ways to phase out the products made from fossil fuel and its by-products by replacing them with bio-degradable materials. For this, we should not hesitate to recollect what materials we had used before polymers replaced them. We need to study the indigenous methods of the inhabitants of various regions in making products and packaging and how ethical, environment-friendly they are. This is how we improve our methods of solving a problem. This is how we can evolve maintaining the ecological balance and sustain the fragile eco-system of the Earth.
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