Saturday, January 8, 2022

#nothingisuseless How We Made This Weird Yet Beautiful Flower Pot


First posted on LinkedIn: 08-01-2022.

Quote: "#uselessisuseful #nothingisawaste #nothingisuseless#betruetoyourself Just before recording this video clip I had a very harsh verbal altercation with my mother - Smt. Sharmila Sen, cousin aunt - Smt. Bharti Gupta and cousin sister - Joshika Gupta. Clash of priorities was the evident reason. and I let my steam off that was pent up within me invariably hurting my sense of self-worth and dignity. I shut myself away from them and cried my heart out until I did not have to wipe my tears anymore.
#bempatheticandresilient to prevent negative vibes from eroding my self-worth, courage and conviction I then picked up the mobile phone and shot this video clip with. Here is a very lightweight flower pot and a table lamp that is useful enough although they are made entirely out of, what we consider as, waste materials.
SNAKE 🐍 Plant ironically is called so for its looks. In reality, it's an economical plant that thrives both inside and outside a house or a building. It's one of the plants that not only clean air but also gives out a lot of life-giving oxygen in the process of photosynthesis. Wish You a very happy weekend and a very happy 2022.
Joshua OlaiyaGabriele "C" Ciminelli, isn't it?
Dedicated to Harsh Kumar LoL"
Please refer to the blog that explains why I try to make something useful from what most of us discard as waste or garbage: "Tell Me What Am I Made of - VII"I humbly thank all those of you, who have posted quite encouraging comments on this video post. I, therefore, owe this blog to you on how I made this simple yet beautiful flower pot.
Materials and Tools Used:

  1. Six to seven 1 liter PET bottles of branded mineral water or aerated drinks
  2. Plastic Bubble Packaging sheet
  3. Seven to eight used plastic sachets (viz. milk sachets.)
  4. Large size plastic carry bags. (Their use is banned, yet many retail outlets still use them.)
  5. A pair of scissors
  6. Fevicol glue/ Allfix Glue/Feviquick glue
  7. Measuring tape.
  8. Electric iron (preferably the old and heavy electric ) iron
  9. Thick bed cover
  10. Insulation tape
  11. A stick or a thin metal wire to help apply Fevicol glue
  12. A used plastic table cloth
  13. A marker pen
  14. A measuring scale
  • Spread out an old plastic table cloth on a table or desk to use it as your work desk.
  • Cut the top and the base of each PET bottle. Then slit it open.
  • Place it between the folded layer of a thick bed cover.
  • Iron the bed cover with the electric iron to flatten portion of the PET bottle into a plastic sheet
  • Cut the sheets into same size after measuring and marking them using measuring tape/scale.
  • Cut long strips of plastic sachets and apply fevicol on them.
  • Take two PET bottle sheets and join them into a cone shape and secure them firmly with the fevicol coated plastic strips. 
  • Take a PET bottle sheet. Place it at the base of the cone and mark the outline of the base of it.
  • Cut the PET bottle sheet into the measured shape of the base and stick it to the base of the cone using fevicol coated plastic strips. We can attach to the cone's base with insulation tape also.
  • Measure the gaps. Cut PET bottle sheets to the measurement and stick them on the cone's surface and cover the gaps.
  • Apply fevicol on the entire surface of the cone that now looks like a conventional flower pot and paste thin plastic sheets of the sachets and carry bags both inside and outside the flower pot. 
  • Seal the top edge and the base of the flower pot strips of plastic bubble wrapper.
  • Hey presto! a simply beautiful and lightweight flowerpot is ready for your use.
  • Wrap your arms around yourself and embrace yourself rejoicing your creative achievement! You did it!
  • All We have done is we have used our common sense and our imagination along with determination to give a beautiful shape to all these things we would have carelessly dumped in a garbage bin.
  • CONGRATULATIONS! if we could do it, You can too!
Here's all you want to know about how to make the table lamp described in the video clip: "TELL ME WHAT AM I MADE OF-IX"

Generously comment your feedback, views, insights, response and reaction to this blog post.

Humble acknowledgement of Smt. Sharmila Sen, Kumari. Joshika Gupta and Smt. Bharti Gupta's support in completing this project. 

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Introvert, Imaginative, loner, nature lover, sensitive, friendly